ATTENTION: Christian couples who want to learn to communicate better…
You have a real enemy, but it is NOT your spouse!

Resolve Conflict, Improve Your Intimacy, And Strengthen Your Marriage To Take It To The Next Level To Accomplish The Purposes God Intended

Create A Legacy Of Blessed Families

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24)
Marriage Conflict webinar
The replay for Craig Hill’s webinar: “3 Secrets to Quickly Resolve Any Marriage Conflict” will be posted here soon!

Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the full replay for Craig Hill’s webinar: 
“3 Secrets to Quickly Resolve Any Marriage Conflict”
(This video includes the Q&A in the second part)
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch Craig Hill’s message: 
“Identifying and Overcoming the Top Five Lies in Marriage”
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Craig Hill
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From The Desk Of Craig Hill
Littleton, CO
Conflict is bound to occur in any marriage.

But it is not God’s intention for your marriage to remain in a state of conflict.

You have a real enemy, but it is NOT your spouse!

Are any of these statements true of your marriage? 
  • We avoid conflict but lack real and deep communication
  • ​We have settled for isolation and very little romance
  • ​We are often frustrated with each other
  • ​We frequently explain, justify, accuse or criticize
  • ​We want to learn to communicate better
This was true for me and my wife Jan.

And God met us right where we were.

After 7 years of daily conflict in our marriage, we discovered 3 keys that radically changed our relationship and transformed the way we treated one another on a daily basis.

As we applied these principles, we started looking forward to being together and once again found joy in our marriage.
Jan began to feel like a high priority—like I cared about her feelings and took responsibility when I hurt her.

I began to feel accepted, admired and appreciated as Jan’s husband.

Jan and I have shared the principles we have learned with literally thousands of couples around the world who have experienced similar powerful results in their marriages.

What has worked for us will undoubtedly work for you, too.

God wants to bring His life and transformation to you AND your spouse. It’s not too late.
If you want to wake up every morning full of gratefulness, joy, and energy, looking forward to a day of accomplishing God’s plan together with your spouse, and living a life of purpose and fulfillment together, I invite you to join me in…
Marriage Transformation class
Marriage Transformation
12-Lesson Class with Craig Hill
On a scale of 1–10, how would you rate your marriage?

As Craig mentioned above, he and his wife Jan struggled in their marriage relationship for the first seven years.

Marriage had become more of an endurance contest rather than the joy-filled, fulfilling relationship they had both thought they had signed up for on their wedding day.
Craig and Jan…
  • were both Christians
  • loved the Lord
  • ​loved each other
  • ​had a common purpose and mission
… but they discovered they were missing something.

God opened their eyes to four critical components of marriage that completely transformed their lives and their experience of marriage!

These truths changed their marriage from a relationship of toleration to one of truly enjoying each other’s presence and fulfilling an exciting calling and destiny together.

The four essential marriage components are:
Marriage Transformation class
  • Communication (resolving the primary area of spiritual warfare)
  • Covenant (creating a protective hedge around your marriage)
  • Forgiveness (choosing to forgive both the injustice and the consequence)
  • Conflict resolution (identifying and removing root viruses in your own heart)
Today, Craig and Jan have shared the principles they learned with thousands of couples around the world whose marriages have been literally transformed.

Every week, they hear from couples who were already separated or on the verge of divorce whose marriages were saved when they understood and implemented these simple principles.

They also hear from couples who thought they had a good marriage, but didn’t know what they didn’t know. These couples say things like, “We had no idea we were missing so much until we learned what a great marriage relationship could really be like.”

No matter the current state of your relationship, you can still have a great marriage, fulfilling together the calling and destiny God has planned for you as a couple.

If you want to strengthen your marriage and take it to the next level of accomplishing the purposes God intended, you won’t want to miss this class!
In this course, you will learn…
  • How to restore God’s protective hedge of covenant around your marriage
  • How to rebuild the feeling of romance in your marriage
  • Three keys that will encourage your husband to make you a high priority in his life, listen to you, and value your opinions and feelings
  • The strategy that will encourage your wife to stop trying to change you or accuse you, but rather to accept you and be grateful for all the things you do for her
  • How to use conflict to identify and remove the roots of anger, addictions, fear, depression, pride, and other destructive behaviors
  • ​How to truly forgive each other from the heart for past wounding
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Class Lessons
Overview of Marriage Transformation 12-lesson class:

Click the play button above to watch the class description for
Marriage Transformation

Lesson 1: Introduction: Crushing the Top Five Lies in Marriage
In this opening lesson, you will review the four keys to a joy-filled and fulfilling marriage. You will also learn the top five lies that run rampant in many damaged or broken marriages and discover the truth with which God wants to replace those lies. Each lesson contains questions for you and your spouse to answer and then have a time of prayer together.
Lesson 2: How to Move from Being a Flea (Draining) to a Rechargeable Battery (Energizing) 
In this lesson, Craig unpacks his analogy of what it means to be a “flea” in your marriage and helps you discover if you are one! The good news is that you don’t have to remain a “flea.” You can learn to give life to your marriage partner instead of taking it. You will explore the four most common stages of marriage and learn to make positive deposits in your spouse’s “Love Bank.” Finally, you’ll learn how the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping applies to your marriage relationship; and it’s not just limited to your finances! 
Lesson 3: Relational Communication, Part 1: How to Fill Your Spouse’s Value Tank
Have you ever argued with your spouse about something and felt like the argument was much too big for such a simple topic? In this lesson you will learn about the Two Levels of Communication, and how they play a significant role in your relationship with your spouse. Men, if you don’t understand how your wife receives love you may spend a great amount of time and energy trying to demonstrate love in all the wrong ways. This lesson will show you how to effectively fill your wife’s love tank in a way that is meaningful to her. Wives, Craig will also share with you the top things your husband needs from you to feel loved and valued.
Lesson 4: Relational Communication, Part 2: How to Build a Relational Covenant
There are lies that couples often believe in the midst of conflict that immediately block any chance of true resolution taking place. In this lesson, Craig exposes these lies, teaches their corresponding truths, and uncovers common blind spots operating in both husbands and wives. While conflict is bound to happen in any healthy relationship, mishandling the conflict causes far more damage than the conflict itself. You’ll learn to build a “relational covenant”, or set of ground rules, to which you can refer when relationally intense moments crop up. You will also discover how forming a habit of daily prayer with your husband or wife will deepen your relationship and strengthen your marriage beyond what you ever thought possible.
Lesson 5: Craig and Jan’s Marriage Journey 
In this transparent lesson, Craig unpacks some key stories from his marriage journey with his wife, Jan. From the heights of incredible supernatural times to the depths of difficult and frustrating times, both extremes in their relationship allowed God to teach them the valuable principles shared in this course. You will likely laugh, cry and find comfort in relating to Craig and Jan’s experiences and growth together.
Lesson 6: Marriage Is a Covenant, Not a Contract
The relationship between a husband and wife is supposed to look like the relationship between Jesus and the church, but what does that really mean? In this lesson, Craig teaches specifically about “covenant,” why the Biblical concept is often contextually misunderstood in Western cultures, and how it still applies (and matters) to married couples today. You’ll hear several real-life stories about the significance of covenant and how you can begin to practically implement covenant principles within your marriage. Using multiple video clips from the movie Fireproof, Craig illustrates what this process looks like and gives tips that will help you start down a new path in covenant with your spouse.
Craig and Jan Hill
Lesson 7: Transparency: The Key to Intimacy
What does “transparency” mean within your marriage? Anything in your life that is kept hidden from your spouse can potentially damage your relationship, even if it doesn’t directly affect your spouse. In this lesson Craig shares a message by David and Maxine Broom, the Family Foundation International Africa Ministry Leaders, on transparency in marriage. This powerful message lends a fresh understanding of the damage that can be done when secrets are kept from your spouse, and the supernatural healing that the Holy Spirit brings when transparency is introduced.
Lesson 8: Forgiveness
As you and your spouse go about life together, inevitably one of you will embitter, offend, and or sin against the other. The only way to correct this is by forgiveness. The offense may be small or large and difficult to forgive, but if forgiveness is not a central part of your marriage relationship, it will be very difficult to have transparency and openness. This ultimately builds a wall of separation between you and your spouse and God. In this lesson, Craig teaches you how to fully forgive an offense. You will also hear the personal testimony of Bob and Audrey. God was able to take the ashes, the sin, and the bitterness in their marriage relationship and transform it into something beautiful. This can happen for you as well.
Lesson 9: How to Use Conflict to Identify Root Lies
When conflict arises, you can make it a useful tool to discover root lies within your heart that need to be addressed. Uncovering the lie, however, is only half the battle. If you walk in abstinence and suppress the problem, it will fester under the surface and simply pop up again later. In this lesson, Craig shares how you can allow God to heal that area so you can walk in freedom and victory. You’ll also discover the “Jesus Wonderful Counselor” process, and how you can apply it to allow God to heal areas of deep wounding that affect your life and relationships today.
Lesson 10: Restoring the Value of Covenant to Society 
A great change of values has encroached upon our society. Many do not realize this because it has happened slowly over a long period of time. In the same way, the enemy has slowly worked on the minds of people to transform marriage covenant into a contract. In this lesson, you’ll learn how this has happened and the dire consequences of this value shift. You’ll discover the paradigm shift needed in your thinking to reverse this shift, restore God’s original values, and effectively create change in your marriage and in society!
Lesson 11: Restoring the Value of Covenant to My Marriage
Many people see divorce and remarriage as a normal reality of life, when in fact it is abnormal and devastating. This is not what God had in mind and is definitely not part of His plan. In this lesson, Craig teaches what scripture says about this subject and its practical application in your life today. Since the blood covenant is not a commonly recognized part of today’s culture, as you begin to understand its four primary components, you will fully grasp the significance that the blood covenant represents within your marriage.
Lesson 12: Free to Laugh and Dream Again
In this final lesson, you will review the four key components covered in this course: communication, covenant, forgiveness, and conflict resolution. As you diligently review each lesson and apply these important principles, your marriage will soar to the next level. God has great plans and purposes for your marriage that will unfold as you seek and press into Him! Start planning new adventures with your spouse; dream and laugh again and enjoy your marriage to the fullest extent that God intended!
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How this class Works
This 12-lesson class officially starts on Tuesday, November 24, when the first four video training sessions will be made available on the Teachable member site.

Craig Hill has pre-recorded the 12 main lessons. We will release them as the resources are processed and ready to be shared. You can watch the videos and complete the assignments at your convenience.

Each lesson is around an hour long, with a time of teaching and a list of practical sharing and prayer points.
The 12 main lessons:
  • Lesson 1: Introduction: Crushing the Top Five Lies in Marriage
  • Lesson 2: How to Move from Being a Flea (Draining) to a Rechargeable Battery (Energizing)
  • ​Lesson 3: Relational Communication, Part 1: How to Fill Your Spouse’s Value Tank
  • Lesson 4: Relational Communication, Part 2: How to Build a Relational Covenant
  • Lesson 5: Craig and Jan’s Marriage Journey
  • Lesson 6: Marriage Is a Covenant, Not a Contract
  • Lesson 7: Transparency: The Key to Intimacy
  • Lesson 8: Forgiveness
  • ​​Lesson 9: How to Use Conflict to Identify Root Lies
  • Lesson 10: Restoring the Value of Covenant to Society
  • Lesson 11: Restoring the Value of Covenant to My Marriage
  • Lesson 12: Free to Laugh and Dream Again
Marriage Transformation
Each lesson has…
  • An in-depth video teaching
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A study guide with application questions
  • ​An inspiring PowerPoint
  • ​A transcript
3 LIVE Interactive Q&A sessions
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–4 (Tuesday, Dec 1 at 1 pm Eastern)
    • ​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 5–8 (Tuesday, Dec 22 at 1 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 9–12 (Tuesday, Jan 12 at 1 pm Eastern)
    As you work through the video lessons and begin practicing relational communication with your spouse, you will likely think of questions for Craig. These 3 LIVE sessions provide a great opportunity for you to process with others and hear Craig answer member questions.

    If you miss any of the LIVE sessions, that is okay because we will post the replays on the Teachable member site.

    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to the private member site with video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, PowerPoints, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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    You’ll also receive the following
    50% Cash Savings
    The normal retail price for this 12-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $600. However, you receive a $300 savings, making your price only $300.
    Cash Savings
    67% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by December 4)
    The normal retail price for this 12-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $600. However, you receive a $400 savings, making your price only $200.
    Cash Savings
    bonus class
    Forgiveness from the Heart – 
    8-Lesson Class by Craig Hill
    (Must sign up by Noon EST On December 1)
    Have you ever made an effort to forgive someone, only to find a new layer of bitterness or wounding that needs to be dealt with? It is one thing to forgive someone in your mind, but quite another to extend grace from your heart. In this class, Craig Hill gives you practical keys to soften the soil of your heart and remove the obstacles that ultimately prevent you from receiving unconditional love. As you lower your defenses and posture yourself to receive the Father’s healing love, you will be enabled to release the radical power of forgiveness from the heart.
    • Lesson 1: Is Jesus’ Blood Enough?
    • ​Lesson 2: Unforgiveness Is Idolatry
    • ​Lesson 3: Stop Defending Yourself
    • ​Lesson 4: Putting Death to Death
    • ​Lesson 5: Offense
    • ​Lesson 6: 4 Types of Soil (Part 1)
    • ​Lesson 7: 4 Types of Soil (Part 2)
    • Lesson 8: 4 Types of Soil (Part 3)
    Two Fleas & No Dog – Book by 
    Craig Hill
    Shipped FREE anywhere in the world!
    (Must sign up by November 15)
    In this book, Craig Hill presents 3 key elements that will reignite fulfillment, peace and security in your marriage: Covenant, Communication, and Conflict Resolution. As he develops each point, Craig shares out of his personal experience with his wife Jan and his insights from ministering to thousands of married couples around the world. These principles and powerful real-life stories will make the book come alive in your heart—the only place from which your marriage can truly change.
    bonus book
    bonus book
    Choose Your Class Bonus
    (Must sign up by November 10)
    This bonus allows you to choose from a list of four bonus class options (each valued at $600). Shortly after enrolling in Marriage Transformation, you will be sent a link with more information about each class and a simple enroll process.
    Option 1: Intimacy with God with Don Finto and Tod McDowell
    You were created for fellowship not only with others, but also with God. In this class, you will learn to practice His presence, walk with God in friendship, and hear His voice more clearly.
    Option 2: Rainbow God with Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow
    Due to the broken areas of culture and fallenness in our world, we have all picked up false concepts of the true nature of God. In this class, you will discover the seven faces of God and discover His solutions for every mountain of society.
    Option 3: Courage to Be Real with Susan Austin
    In this class, Dr. Susan Austin teaches you how to invite God’s healing into the wounded areas of your heart, connect with your creativity, and discover the incredible person you were made to be.
    Option 4: The Missing Peace with Thom Gardner
    Life seems to teach you that a certain level of anxiety is simply part of being human. But in this class, Thom teaches you to silence the noise of this world and restore your heart to peace and wholeness by waiting on the Lord.
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    Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
    12 Main Lessons ($300 value):
    • Lesson 1: Introduction: Crushing the Top Five Lies in Marriage
    • Lesson 2: How to Move from Being a Flea (Draining) to a Rechargeable Battery (Energizing)
    • Lesson 3: Relational Communication, Part 1: How to Fill Your Spouse’s Value Tank
    • Lesson 4: Relational Communication, Part 2: How to Build a Relational Covenant
    • Lesson 5: Craig and Jan’s Marriage Journey
    • Lesson 6: Marriage Is a Covenant, Not a Contract
    • Lesson 7: Transparency: The Key to Intimacy
    • Lesson 8: Forgiveness
    • ​​Lesson 9: How to Use Conflict to Identify Root Lies
    • Lesson 10: Restoring the Values of Covenant to Society
    • ​Lesson 11: Restoring the Value of Covenant to My Marriage
    • Lesson 12: Free to Laugh and Dream Again
    3 LIVE Interactive Q&A Sessions ($300 value):
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–4 (Tuesday, Dec 1 at 1 pm EST)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 5–8 (Tuesday, Dec 22 at 1 pm EST)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 9–12 (Tuesday, Jan 12 at 1 pm EST)
    • 50% savings: $300 instead of $600
    • 67% savings: $200 instead of $600
      (sign up by Dec 4)
    • Forgiveness from the Heart 8-Lesson Class by Craig Hill
      (sign up by Dec 1)
    • Two Fleas & No Dog – Book by Craig Hill (shipped free worldwide)
      (sign up by Nov 15)
    • Choose Your Class Bonus – Choose from four options
      (sign up by Nov 10)
    Additional Benefits:
    • LIFETIME access to the private member site
    • ​Video replays
    • ​MP3 audio
    • ​Transcripts
    • ​Study guides
    • ​PowerPoints
    100% Satisfaction Guarantee:
    If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!

    Your success is our success and vice versa!
    Marriage Transformation
    Priority Order Form
    YES! I want to experience a lifetime of purpose and fulfillment with my spouse!
    And receive all the class bonuses and benefits.
    Prior to enrolling, please review our Class Cancelation Policy.
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    All payments are processed using a secure server.
    Blessings to experience transformation in your marriage!
    Craig Hill
    Family Foundations International (FFI)
    Craig Hill
    Craig Hill is the founder of Family Foundations International (FFI), a Christian ministry dedicated to helping individuals, couples, and families become people of influence and build a godly heritage for multiple generations by restoring biblical foundations of marriage, family, and finance.

    Craig has trained permanent FFI ministry teams in more than fifty nations around the world, conducting over 2500 marriage and family blessing weekend experiences each year. He has written 15 books, including the best sellers, The Power of a Parent’s Blessing and Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don’t Know. Craig and his wife Jan have been married since 1977 and have two married sons and three grandchildren.
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